South Coast Renewables Project

Previously known as the New Bedford Expansion, the South Coast Renewables Project aims to expand Parallel Products’ New Bedford facility.

About Parallel Products

Since 1979, Parallel Products has been a leader in the sustainability industry, the ethanol industry, and in green energy production.

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What We Do

Parallel Products looks for the sustainable and responsible way to deal with materials that businesses cannot sell due to issues...

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New Bedford Facility

We bought this facility to use it for a processing and technology development center, campus for recycling, and production of green energy.

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recycle over 200 million pounds of packaging material annually

recycle liquid waste into fuel grade ethanol

are finding new ways to make significant contributions

Parallel Products Community Meetings

Join us as we present the new South Coast Green Energy Center. There will be two meetings that are open to the public and we encourage questions for our in-house experts.

The next meeting will be on June 13th in person at 6:30 pm.

We look forward to seeing you there and hearing all your questions!



Cape Verdean Creole



Em Formação

About Parallel Products’ South Coast Renewables Project

Parallel Products is expanding its operation in New Bedford. These are exciting times, and we look forward to sharing our progress throughout our process with all of our neighbors.

Currently, we are in the infancy stages working closely with state and local agencies in site and process reviews to ensure strictest compliance with all applicable environmental guidance and regulations.

At the heart of our due diligence is a concentration on mitigating any potential environmental impacts associated with the facility. Mitigation measures focus on noise, air quality (e.g. odor), traffic, storm water, etc.

Parallel Products remains true to its business culture and mission of providing sustainable solutions in the recovery/reuse industry. Our primary focus is to consolidate waste materials for efficient processing/recovery and cost-effective transportation to off-site reuse and disposal outlets.

At this new facility, our processes, all of which will be conducted inside, will continue to be focused on the extraction of recyclable materials separated into useable commodities and shipped in and/or out of state for repurposing as post-consumer recycled products. These will include glass, paper fiber, metals, plastics, etc.  Source separated food waste will not be accepted at the facility. Any residual or non-recyclable materials will be minimized, baled and shipped out of state to licensed landfills and/or incinerators.

About Parallel Products

Since 1979, Parallel Products has been a leader in the sustainability industry, the ethanol industry, and in green energy production. We are a one-stop sustainability solution, serving the Alcoholic and Non-Alchoholic Beverage, Heath, Beauty, and Pharmaceutical industries. Many of our clients are subject to zero-landfill policies, so we repurpose and recycle as much of their unsaleable materials as possible. The energy that is used during these processes are powered by both solar energy and green energy.

Solar Initiative

MEPA Community Meeting for 8-03-22 Powerpoint

What We Do

Parallel Products looks for sustainable and responsible ways to deal with materials that businesses cannot sell because they have either expired or because of manufacturing issues. We take in these materials, providing  the maximum recovery of materials, ethanol production, and brand protection for unsaleable materials.

What does this mean?  Our facilities are able to process the plastics and glass from the bottles/containers to then make new aluminum can sheet, bottles, baled cardboard and plastics which can be used to make new products.

We also recover and reuse liquids by creating renewable biofuel.  Annually, we produce 7 million gallons of fuel-grade ethanol that is then used as retail fuel in regional areas.

Our goal is to maximize the use of all materials coming into our facility and aim to create zero waste.

The South Coast Renewables Project at the New Bedford Facility

The South Coast Renewables expansion project will be a center for processing and technology development–a campus for recycling as well as the production of green energy.  The facility houses technology for solar energy, green energy production, and recycling recovery.  Some of the recycling and recovering processes that are done in this facility include de-baling, optic color-sorting, and grinding. The solar energy that is generated at the facility reduces energy costs and fossil fuel consumption for energy, ultimately resulting in decreasing our carbon footprint.

SCR -Site Suitability Application 2-13-23
SCR- Response to Comments- May 2023
Supplemental Final Environmental Report
EEA 15990 Certificate
Phase One Site Plan Approval
Updated Site Renderings 2020
Site Renderings 2020
DEIR Certificate 2020
Site Renderings 2019
MEPA Phase One Approval
Draft EIR Part 2
Draft EIR Part 1
Traffic Impact Study Summary
January 2020 Informational Meeting Powerpoint
Jan. 2020 Public Meeting Presentation-Epsilon Studies
FEIR Document
Air Quality
Air Quality SPANISH
MEPA Communtiy Meeting for 8-03-22
SCR GSE Response to Public Comments
SCR Sound Level Assessment Report 02-12-2024
SCR AQ Sound Forms Daytime and Nighttime